I help soul-driven businesses co-create dreamy digital spaces that showcase their work while generating that organic INCOME!





💖 CREATIVE DESIGN: I believe that great web design starts with a strong visual foundation... together we'll co-create a beautiful and engaging website that captures the essence of your brand & your work in this world.

💖 USER-FOCUSED EXPERIENCE: I prioritize usability and user experience to ensure that your website is easy to navigate and provides a seamless experience for your visitors. With intuitive interfaces and clear call-to-actions, I'll help you convert visitors into loyal customers.

💖 RESPONSIVE DEVELOPMENT: In this mobile-first era, I understand the importance of having a website that looks and functions flawlessly across all devices. I ensure that your website is fully responsive, providing a consistent experience on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

my intentions as we work togther

💖 YOUR SOUL'S VISION: As you grow and expand so will your business. I love tapping into your soul's BIG vision and creating a structure for your website that can evolve WITH you. Wherever you are at on your biz journey, I can meet you there and support you in bringing your vision to life.

recent projects



website template


Hi! I’m Amy Moore and you may know me as a transformational coach & biz mentor But did you also know I am a web designer?

Back in 2014 Amy Hates Carrots started as a Web Design Company. I fell in love with all things digital design and even spent a handful of years in the corporate Marketing & Design too…

Then, the Coaching side of my biz took off and other than designing for myself, I really missed the creative outlet that design gave me...

Which is why I am dipping my toes back in and now taking on a few web clients each year. Getting to take your vision and bring it to life fills my heart with so much joy!

And setting up a sustainable foundation for your digital space to organically grow allows you to focus MORE on your clients & profits and LESS on how to find them!

I would love to support you in sharing your amazing work with the world & taking your biz to levels you didn’t know were possible!

Ready to see your soul-driven business grow? Let’s co-create a website that works FOR you! DM me for booking.

meet your designer

"Since prioritizing SEO with Amy, our web traffic and client inquiries have skyrocketed. Implementing her expert strategies has not only boosted our online visibility but also resulted in a significant increase in organic traffic to our website. As a result, we've seen a notable uptick in client calls and inquiries - We couldn't be more thrilled with the results."

"Working with Amy was an absolute game-changer for me. Her dedication and attention to my vision catapulted me into a new digital realm. Thanks to her exceptional web design services, I was able to actualize my dream of having a professional online presence. Her expertise in crafting solutions tailored to my needs boosted my confidence in my project and her motivational approach encourages me to exceed my own expectations every day. Thank you Amy for my beautiful website and all of your mentorship!"

"I reached out to Amy for a full website remodel and was blown away by the results! Not only did she upgrade my business's online presence, but she added systems and automations that gave me back so much time AND continues to increase the number of enrolled students in our quarterly classes! Thank you so much Amy!!"



what clients are saying


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